Saturday, April 14, 2012

Donuts and peanut butter...

First of all, let me start by saying...Peanut butter is AWESOME!! More about that later. Now, on to the donuts. I bought me a super cool Wilton donut pan a target for $5 clearance after easter. I also got some sprinkles, and candy peeps, and candy and some stickers and candy. :) I had a super cool idea for my super cool pan, but it looked better in my head than in reality. I also need a better recipe for cake donuts, but hey, I tried!

Now, back to the peanut butter. After I finished the donuts (making them, not eating them), Hubby went golfing and my feet needed exfoliating. I have this Dead sea salt scrub thing but it's about 5 years old. The oil on top kinda solidified, but I figured I'd try it anyway. I did and that was a BIG mistake. Trying to wash off solidified oil is useless. I also have a sleeping baby that could wake at any moment, so I had to work fast. So, I'm walking through the house with a towel under my foot and not touching anything with my hands. I got to my computer and looked up "how to clean oil off hands". (I was able to get the very tips of my fingers unsticky so I didn't kill my computer.) This is the result I got ... . I have Palmolive, so I tried it. Nope. I tried the rubbing alcohol. I got burned nostrils. So then I tried the peanut butter. OMGosh! It actually worked! My hand were no longer sticky! And then there's my foot. It was an interesting sight I'm sure. I hiked my leg on the counter into the sink and got to work. It is now sticky free, except for the top of my ankle. That will come off eventually though, right? I mean it's hard to wash peanut butter off a foot in kitchen sink! Moral of the story: If it's old, looks old, or you know you shouldn't use it...just say NO! and THROW IT AWAY! and if you have a greasy mess on your hands, use peanut butter. It's magic! :)

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