Sunday, April 29, 2012

Biscuit Waffles

I made me some biscuit waffles this morning. I had see the idea floating around the web and decided to try it out. It was pretty good, I mean, it's biscuits with syrup (in my case, agave nectar). What's not to love, right? They were even good plain, cause it's a biscuit. Anyways, I enjoyed it and will eat them again.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sunflower cake

Well, I made my version of this awesome sunflower cake. I had highs hopes for my cake. Then it turned out a little TOO moist and crumbled everywhere and the frosting was a little hard, so, yeah.

 Maybe next year I will try again!

Also, Jubi was in her room watching a cartoon and eating an apple. It was awfully quiet, so I checked on her. Just as I thought. She is asleep, on her bed. But wait, all I see is a head. Mmhmm...UNDER the fitted sheet.

How she managed this I don't know, because when I tried to get her out, I find that she is also UNDER the plastic mattress pad. And she is OUT! So, I untucked a corner of the sheet and tried to pull her up because just pulling her will pull her skin (oh, I forget to mention, she had apparently stripped down to her pull-up). I finally got her on the correct side of the sheet and under her blanket.

Notice the apple still in hand. Her skirt was on her pillow and her shirt is still MIA.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Soy icecream...yay!

Yay for me! I discovered a lovely treat for myself. This morning I was in a hurry (kinda) to get ready and go to town. I had an individual size SILK chocolate soy milk on the kitchen table. I kinda wanted some chocolateyness so I put it in the freezer to get cold fast. Well, just after I finished eating lunch, I had a walk around Target. Hey! Their SILK is on sale! OH NO! My soy milk is still in the freezer. So sad. I thought, "Well, I guess I have to throw it away now. I don't think you can freeze soy milk.". I don't know why I thought that, but I looked it up on their website FAQ to be sure. Well wouldn't you know it. You CAN freeze soymilk, it's just not recommended because it changes the texture. So, I cut open the bag (box?) and dumped out the frozen yummy into a bowl. IT'S GOOD! Then I had an awesome thought. As we all may know, soy icecream costs a TON. My awesome a carton of soymilk, pour it in ice trays, freeze and enjoy!   Cool, huh?! I know, I'm proud of me too. :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Donuts and peanut butter...

First of all, let me start by saying...Peanut butter is AWESOME!! More about that later. Now, on to the donuts. I bought me a super cool Wilton donut pan a target for $5 clearance after easter. I also got some sprinkles, and candy peeps, and candy and some stickers and candy. :) I had a super cool idea for my super cool pan, but it looked better in my head than in reality. I also need a better recipe for cake donuts, but hey, I tried!

Now, back to the peanut butter. After I finished the donuts (making them, not eating them), Hubby went golfing and my feet needed exfoliating. I have this Dead sea salt scrub thing but it's about 5 years old. The oil on top kinda solidified, but I figured I'd try it anyway. I did and that was a BIG mistake. Trying to wash off solidified oil is useless. I also have a sleeping baby that could wake at any moment, so I had to work fast. So, I'm walking through the house with a towel under my foot and not touching anything with my hands. I got to my computer and looked up "how to clean oil off hands". (I was able to get the very tips of my fingers unsticky so I didn't kill my computer.) This is the result I got ... . I have Palmolive, so I tried it. Nope. I tried the rubbing alcohol. I got burned nostrils. So then I tried the peanut butter. OMGosh! It actually worked! My hand were no longer sticky! And then there's my foot. It was an interesting sight I'm sure. I hiked my leg on the counter into the sink and got to work. It is now sticky free, except for the top of my ankle. That will come off eventually though, right? I mean it's hard to wash peanut butter off a foot in kitchen sink! Moral of the story: If it's old, looks old, or you know you shouldn't use it...just say NO! and THROW IT AWAY! and if you have a greasy mess on your hands, use peanut butter. It's magic! :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Trying New Things

First, I "tried" to clean the round metal things under the stove burners, but I gave up it just refused to come off! In my defense, the stove is old, who knows the last time those things were cleaned, and some of it was rust.

              Before                         During                        After    

Next, I "tried" to make a yummy breakfast I never have before, Sticky BACON Biscuits, but, the bacon I was going to use was bad. So, we had it without bacon :( and I cooked up some sausage to go with it. It was yummy but I will have to try it again WITH the bacon.

Yeah, I made a little mess...
but doesn't it look yummy?

At least I tried...right? :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm back...kinda

Updates! Ok, so, It has been almost a year since I posted anything. One reason...a blog is a lot of work! lol The other reason, as soon as I created this blog I found out I was pregnant..then the morning sickness came. I did not even want to look at a computer screen. I just wanted to lay on the couch and watch TV. I know I traded one screen for another, but in my head there is a difference! Even after the morning sickness passed I just didn't feel the love with the blog.
Then I was really busy. In the middle of my morning sickness I had to travel out of state (FL to TN to VA) because my Grandma took a turn for the worse. I don't remember if I even left TN (my parents live there) to come back home but we had to go back to VA I think a week later because she died. That was in June. The rest of the year was just busy with life, house updates, getting things ready for baby and!

Baby story: I was due Dec.22. I was soo ready for it too. I had no contractions and was 2cm for a week (but at least I had dropped!). The night of the 22nd I had some irregular contractions for an hour, then they stopped. My parents were on their way down for Christmas. They arrived that afternoon and were a little short on sleep cause they got up early to get here. We all went to bed at about 11pm. The second (no joke) I laid down at about 11:30, I had a contraction. I was like..really? Then my next thought,"Oh no, I had spaghetti for dinner. I hope I don't get sick." So I timed them (6-8min apart) and told hubby I had to see if they lasted more than an hour. I didn't want to go to the hospital for a false alarm and we live about an hour from the hospital. An hour came around and I was still having contractions now about 5min apart. I was still debating to go or not and I didn't want to wake my parents for nothing but I finally decided to go. I told my parents, "I know you just went to bed, but I think it's time. About 15min later we all left. It was nasty, muggy, foggy and warm outside. The contractions are getting stronger and closer. We made it to the hospital and the receptionist had me fill out a ton of paperwork and was looking at me like she didn't think I was really in labor. My dad asked me," How far apart are your contractions now?", I said," I dunno. I'm at the hospital now, they can do it.". So they take me back for observation. I was 5cm with bulging water. I was like," wow", they were like,"Uh, she needs a room, go find a clean one." BTW there were a ton of inductions scheduled for the 23rd and when I got there, there were at least 4 others there and another came in at 9cm and another had to go to the OR, and those weren't even all for the it was busy! Anyways, I got to the room and I was now 6cm. It was time for the IV. It's hard to find my veins so maybe about 20min (looking for a vein) and 2 sticks later, it was in. I decided that I may want some medication, but I figured it was too late cause the IV took so long and the nurse confirmed this. I was like 7or8cm and water was gone. Then it started to HURT, but the nurse was AWESOME and talked me through the contractions and got nice cold, wet rags for my head cause it was HOT. My Dr. was also AWESOME and helped me deliver a healthy baby boy (after 5 hours of labor) at 4:57a.m., Dec.23rd. I was surprised at how much he weighed (8lbs.11oz.19-3/4in.) because he looked smaller than his sister did when she was born(7lbs.15oz.20-1/4in.). We were able to leave the hospital Christmas Eve night and have Christmas together at home. :)
Three months later, Jubilee is warming up to the idea of being big sister and Thomas is growing like a weed.