Thursday, August 2, 2012

Homemade Baby Gate and Dessert

I made a baby gate. There is a large gap between the living room and kitchen that is too big for a baby gate. They sell the extra large gates but they are about $50. Mine was about $20ish. I got the idea from here. I bought about 2 1/4 yds of home decor fabric, sewed up the sides and bottom, added some tabs and attached it to some hooks. I will probably reinforce the middle and bottom with some scrap pvc that I have because someone has decided to pull up on it and another someone decided to crawl under it. However, I am happy with it for now.

UPDATE: Yeah, Homemade Baby Gate, not working out to well. Little man feels the need to rip the hooks out of the drywall. If I used the command hooks like someone else did, it may be better. Also, if I anchored the hooks it may hold. I will try this next because the side where the hooks are attached to wood are holding great.

Now, what do you give a 3 1/2 year old that has already had a snack size kitkat, but still wants some "chocolate dessert"? Ice cream, of course! I have no cake or brownie mixes (not that she needed it) but I do happen to have some frozen banana slices and cocoa powder. So I made this little gem that I found on pinterest. I just used 2 frozen bananas, some cocoa powder and a splash of sugar free vanilla syrup. She had a few bites before she became otherwise engaged, but I saved the rest in the freezer for later. I don't think she was completely thrilled with it but she accepted it. It makes a nice, healthy dessert for her (and me!) when her sweet tooth starts calling.